
Get paid in a flash stress-free

Activate the full range of instant or recurring payments, by credit card or bank transfer, in over 100 currencies

Your money safe

Credit card payments are available for clients, ensuring a seamless, quick, and secure transaction

Lightning payments

Get the money straight in your account within 2 business days. No need to follow-up anymore

Stay open

Access a more global freelance experience by adopting new payment methods

They have modernized their payment methods

Payment by card, bank transfer, escrow account, direct debit.... everything is possible.

I love how Collective ensures I get paid quickly.

I've recently expanded my client base globally. It’s not a problem for Collective as far as we can receive payments in multiple currencies.

It's not just about getting paid fast; it's about the peace of mind knowing that my payments are secure.

No more chasing payments! With this tool, I receive my money straight into my account within two days.

This tool has expanded my freelancing opportunities globally. I can now accept payments from clients worldwide, knowing that the transactions are secure and quick.

I recommend credit card payments, they make transactions quick and easy. For my clients, it’s game-changer.

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