Public profile

The most comprehensive profile to feature freelancers

A profile designed for freelancers: projects, expertise, connections, collectives... all come into play!

Your profile published in 3 minutes

Your page goes online with ease. It's elegant, professional and updates automatically

More than just a CV

Your profile contains the information customers are looking for (projects, achievements, network, work preferences, etc.)

Your activity on steroids

Your profile is public. You're just 1 click away from being contacted by relevant recruiters from all over the world

They deserve the best showcase

20,000+ freelancers present their services on

Within minutes, my public profile was set up and running, seamlessly synchronized with LinkedIn. The intuitive UX made the process a breeze!

My profile now showcases all the info recruiters need to make a choice, from my skills to my extensive network and work preferences.

It's the only place where I can bring together all the relevant information for customers, while maintaining an attractive, eye-catching shop window.

Highlighting my network and team projects has changed everything. Recruiters see beyond the CV and appreciate my recommendations and collaborations, which leads to qualified and significant requests (such as large agency projects).

On LinkedIn, I display my experiences - less relevant for me as I've been freelancing for 10+ years. On Collective, I show my expertise: the projects I've completed, the clients I've worked with, the results I've achieved. It makes all the difference.

Availability, daily rate, peer recommendations, favorite technologies... so many key elements for a recruiter that I can only clearly display on my Collective profile.

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