
Where freelancers earn together

The first platform dedicated to teams of freelancers.
Your collective business simple and safe.

Unleash team-based freelancing.

Collaborate with chosen partners on bold, high-value projects.

Operate your freelance team, free of charge.

Benefit from dedicated collective tools, free of charge and subscription.

Fueling the collective.

We bring your shared work dreams to life.
  • Payment breakdown

    Generate invoices when you need them and distribute payments automatically.

  • Engage your customers

    Offer your customers the best possible job follow-up and payment experience. Make them want to keep working with you!

  • Exclusive opportunities

    Unlock exclusive offers to increase your business volumes.

  • Secure your services

    Use the intelligent quotation and contract generator to obtain your customer's firm agreement and avoid ambiguities.

  • Manage your team

    Invite a new member to join your team, or invite temporary members.

  • Proven support

    A complicated customer? A large company requiring unfamiliar documents? We're here to help.


Do you have a question? Find here the main inquiries from freelancers about the platform.

By registering, you will be able to access the application and benefit from additional resources.

Sign up
  1. Why should you form a team with

  2. How do I create a team with

  3. What is the cost of

  4. What kind of work can we expect on

  5. Why should I use with my own clients?

We're already empowering
hundreds of collectives.

Be part of the adventure.

Collective has taken a lot of the mental load off our shoulders:

Collective has taken a lot of the mental load off our shoulders:

Collective has relieved us of a large part of our mental burden: joint billing for our clients, individualized payments for each of us. And all this within a very reassuring legal framework!
Collective has relieved us of a large part of our mental burden: joint billing for our clients, individualized payments for each of us. And all this within a very reassuring legal framework!

Love the simplicity of the service and the prompt customer support. We can't imagine working without it.

- Olivia Rhye
Head of design, Justa

Thanks to Collective, we formed our team in 24 hours and started a €125,000 project within a week. It's the only platform enabling such team projects so quickly.

With Collective's innovative invoicing solution, we operate efficiently like a small company, simplifying the invoicing process for our clients.

Collective has streamlined our business by handling joint billing and individual payments, all under a secure legal framework.