Work with our best collectives! is an app for teams of freelancers who bring together their expertise to work on ambitious projects

Work with our collectives

Estimate, meet, choose!


Estimate the price of your project
Receive a personalised estimate by email


Generate a call for tenders in 1 click
If the estimate suits you, we launch a request for proposals to our freelance teams


Compare, choose!
Meet the collectives you like best. Compare the quotes and select the collective you want to work with.

Our freelance teams support the best start-ups!

Alma - SaaS for businesses
Spaycial - Payment data analysis

We put you in touch with our freelance teams!

Soliciting collectives

Our teams are integrated into your teams to accelerate your development

Thanks to Collective, we found an experienced collective in a few days! This allowed us to release our MVP faster than expected!

Antoine Berton

CTO @Elba

We have increased our development force with a highly qualified team. A real time saver compared to a classic search of solo-freelancers.

Thierry Abaléa

Head of Engineering @Alma

Do you have any questions?

The team is available to discuss your project and identify the best collective.

Book a call